Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Untitled 2

Because one day the sun comes up and you realise you haven't slept for days 
And the pain you thought you hid so well was actually your heart breaking 
And every time you hear a door open you imagine her walking through it because she's all you've thought about, isn't she? 
Her eyes 
Her smile 
Her hair
Her laugh 
Her kiss 
Her hand inside of yours 
That's all you've thought about, isn't it? 
And it's not 3am when you're not sleeping 
It's 4 in the afternoon when you're working that you feel the need to break down 
Because she's no longer a message away 
Because she's no longer a call away 
Because you can't help but drag yourself down 
Because she always brought you up and you'd never want to think of a world without her so you live it as though she wasn't 
And it's not your mum you cry to; it's your pillow 
Because it smells like her 
And you dig your head deeper and deeper into it until the smell fades and all that's left are
your tears 
And you never thought for a second you wouldn't be able to roll over and wrap your arms around her 
But all you do is hug thin air 
And the spot right next to you on your bed is hers 
Whether she's with you or not
And you won't let anyone replace it 
Because she gave you things no other woman could 
She gave you life and meaning 
And she pushed you to succeed and she pushed you to test your limits and she pushed you to go that extra mile 
And today you can honestly say you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her

Britt Wheildon

Monday, 14 December 2015


You always thought that the pain would go away didn't you?
You always thought that, if you didn't think of it, you wouldn't feel it
You were always told, "Don't worry, it will end soon"
It hasn't ended has it?

All you wanted was for someone to understand your pain and for someone to tell you that it will all be fine and that they won't tell anyone.....right? 
You thought that if someone knew, that you would be able to redeem yourself back to what everyone calls "normal", yeah? 
Well, you're wrong.
Telling someone gets you nowhere these days 
Helping someone gets you a little further than yesterday but you always fall back down Thinking the pain was going to go away was stupid because it never does; it just stays there until you feel like your life is nothing but a dying entity
Maybe it stops every now and then but that doesn't mean it's going to stay away
Listening to people might get you their respect but where is it going to get you?
You choose to listen to those who have no experience with what you're going through because those who are going through what you're going through have not quite figured out how to stop it yet. 
But even when they do, are you going to choose to listen to them; are you going to choose to get the medicine to your pain?
Because knowing you, you wouldn't know what to do.

I say all this because I'm going through what you're going through.
I hurt, I cry, I cut, I continuously think that one day maybe someone will cut me some slack and I won't have to worry about it anymore. 
But I know that that day is either really far away or it's never going to come.

I change  my emotions and bottle them up so no one knows what happened the day before 
I cry myself to sleep at night so I don't cry the next day
I hide the pain from everyone so no one comes up to me to ask me, "What's wrong?" 

I don't remember what it feels like to feel loved because the last couple of times I got heart broken
As much as I loved the feeling of knowing someone was there to hold me and to support me, I hated the feeling of them breaking my heart and then thinking we could stay friends because it's like I never meant anything to them
It's like the giant paragraphs and phone calls and the days spent together meant nothing
Like the deep and meaningful conversations never actually meant anything because it's like the feeling of being used 

I know you're hurting and I know you want to cry but you need to listen to me because I know what it feels like

Every day I am one step closer to finding the cure to being happy again

For M

I do not need to see your face – you are here
I glimpse you every day, my dear,
in the sun’s rays
I hear you sing to me in a bird’s song but not just one
Even the kookaburra,
just for fun when you laugh with me
a sound of glee
and even though I don’t know
what your face would be
like today
I still say that you are truly beautiful
Like a fool I miss you


New Norcia

Ghost gums reach towards the stars, allured by their mystical powers.
Their spider-like limbs twist and grab at the gleaming sparks, keeping
their feet planted firmly on the earth.

I wander cautiously between their bodies…

A single, golden light brings illumination to my path
where thick, black brush strokes
threaten to cover and deceive the road’s guiding stones.

But I keep my eyes above –
the glinting jewels lift my courage and brighten my thoughts.
They weave their own invisible paths through
the ominous cloak of the night sky.
So I follow their paths,
averting my gaze from the foreboding shadows
that want to grab at my arms and legs.
I can’t let their plans be fulfilled
for it would mean my doom.

As I near my destination,
my heart begins to lessen its pace,
bringing ease back to my mind.
I am within reach of comfort,



Little Things

A smile can bring
such peace
and make a heart sing or iron out the crease
that sorrow may fling
at you
it’s these little things that make a difference
I believe these should be
held with reverence
as though they are part of a dream
that comes to fruition
and takes away the partition
between heaven and earth,
brings a blessing from a curse,
joy from hurt,
a flower from dry dirt.

Claire Connor

True Self

It’s not easy to know what makes up your identity…
who you are when you are free
Or maybe it’s who they want you to be.
Some don’t get the chance to say, ‘This is ME.’
Some are stopped from living to succeed,
Instead told they must follow
Something far more hollow,
A shell of a person that becomes their today…and tomorrow.

Is it the outer appearance that gives that sense?
The shape and form and tense?
Is it the position held within a fence
of society
Blocked off by conforming ideology?
Is it the things we do
that give us our sense of true

I know that I do not wish
To be placed inside a box or a bowl
Like a fish,
Where one must swim around…and around…and around to please
Others whom just sit back with ease.
Don’t tell me to be different than I am today,
A person whom is finding their own way
And does not want to stay
In a cage.
If I choose to be your opposing thought
One whom will not be wrought
With fear or wracked with jealousy
Not taught to think what I do not believe,
Even if it is all that the eye can see.
I will remain
One and the same
The person whom looks like me, holds all my heart, and is called by my name.

 Claire Connor


Because I have grown up in a family unit that has not known divorce, I believe in the connection formed through a marriage.
Because I have seen the adverse effects that drugs and excessive alcohol abuse can have on a person’s mind and life, I choose to refrain from those activities.
Because I have experienced the heartache of having a door closed on me, I know the importance of being grateful for opportunities.
Because I did not always utilize the opportunities presented to me in my schooling, I now view any form of education as a benefit and try to uphold that value.
Because I was intimidated and bullied by others as a young person, I know how important it is to treat everyone I meet with respect, no matter what they look like or what their interests are.
Because I grew up in the country for part of my life, I appreciate the beauty that is Australia in all its natural settings.
Because I have felt love, I know how to show love to others.
Because I have travelled to different countries and met many who live in poverty, I seek to assist those in need whenever possible.
Because I know truth, I live my life from that perspective.
Because I had a dream planted into my heart at an early age, I have not given up even when the dream did not seem to be possible.


Oh what these pages hold

Do these pages understand the importance they hold?
The information collected, mashed together to form masses of words, constructed in columns or indented paragraphs?
Do these pages realize they hold years of knowledge and wisdom, mistakes and successes experienced by society after society?
What if they did know? ...could comprehend the extremity of what is inked onto them?
What if these pages knew all along that their destiny would unfold on this day, during this hour, when their tattooed flesh would be revealed and deciphered and picked apart and critiqued?
Would these pages be proud of their existence?
Would they have felt fulfilled?

How long had they waited for this glorious day, when they could be free of their bindings and being clumped together with others like them?
How often had they cried out, “Let me go! Let me show those young minds what I possess!”?
I cannot determine the pain that would be felt, knowing there was so much to give but feeling trapped and suffocated, contained and confined.

Don’t you dare step out of line!
Don’t even think about sticking your corner or edge up so that you stand out!
You are part of the group, you stick with the group.
Don’t be different!
Don’t be unique!
There’s nothing special about you...

Oh, how wrong you are...
Greatness is held within my pages.
Freedom is held within my pages.
Courage is held within my pages.
Don’t you dare tell me I’m not free.
I embody freedom in many forms.
Don’t you see it?
Can’t you comprehend it?
I hold future choices.
I hold proclamations and declarations!
I hold discoveries.
It is all within me and upon me...

And don’t you forget it.


True Self

It’s not easy to know what makes up your identity…
who you are when you are free
Or maybe it’s who they want you to be.
Some don’t get the chance to say, ‘This is ME.’
Some are stopped from living to succeed,
Instead told they must follow
Something far more hollow,
A shell of a person that becomes their today…and tomorrow.

Is it the outer appearance that gives that sense?
The shape and form and tense?
Is it the position held within a fence
of society
Blocked off by conforming ideology?
Is it the things we do
that give us our sense of true

I know that I don’t wish
To be placed inside a box or a bowl
Like a fish,
Where one must swim round…and around…and around to please
Others whom just sit back with ease.
Don’t tell me to be different than I am today
A person whom is finding their own way
And does not want to stay
In a cage.
If I choose to be your opposing thought
One whom will not be wrought
With fear or wracked with jealousy
Not taught to think what I do not believe,
Even if it is more than the eye can see.
I will remain
One and the same

The person whom looks like me, holds all my heart, and is called by that name.

Claire Connor

History Exam Supervision

Silence, only disrupted by the occasional rustled placement of papers
A sniff here
A cough there
One looks out the window, pleading for escape
I don’t want to be here
What the heck does that mean??
Damn...I wish I’d studied that part
Furrowed brows
Glances at the board
Time is ticking away to no avail
Battles progress in the mind
Is the answer B or D??
Who knows? Who cares? some may reply

An answer is chosen and pens scratch into the page.

By Claire Connor

The Good, the Bad, the Camp

During my life, there have been a lot of great and memorable times. Some are sad, most are happy and others were just confusing, but one moment in particular takes the cake for sure. It was both the happiest and most unfortunate moment of my life, this was the week that I went camping with my friend Jared and his family. This happened during the holidays before year 8 so this would be the last time I would see Jared before he changed schools. I say that this was unfortunate because quite a few bad events occurred, particularly to me.

After camping overnight near Harvey with Jared and his family, the first unfortunate event happened: the suspension on our trailer broke and we had to pull over. And just like that we were stuck on the side of the road near a train track and in 30 degree heat. After an hour of waiting, the mechanic arrived, but he had even more bad news. We had to go back with him to his garage and we would have to stay the night at their garage so that they could get in the suspension part needed. So after settling in to the spare room in the garage, we decided to go out for KFC. I just got chips and a Pepsi because I wasn’t that hungry and this is when my luck really ran dry. I spilt my Pepsi all over myself during dinner and, even though it was actually quite nice considering it was 30 degrees outside, it was still quite embarrassing walking around in wet pants, and thus, day two had concluded.

When we finally reached Walpole, Jared taught me how to fish. The signature and most common fish at Walpole is Black Brim and apparently is “to die for”. So at 9am in the morning we headed to the pier to start fishing. Unfortunately, I was very bad at fishing and all the fish I caught were under the size limit, whilst Jared and his family caught fish left, right and centre. So, after about an hour, I caught three fish and I then took a break and sat at the edge of the pier. After a couple of minutes, I decided to start fishing again but…I got up too fast and I slipped off the pier and  into the river (which was infested with sting rays), but luckily it wasn’t that deep and I simply walked back to shore. When I got back, Jared was on the floor laughing, but he helped me get back to the pier. I then told him to hold my hat and then I jumped back in; it was great!

It was day five and I was all dry again. I had Two Minute Noodles for breakfast (very nutritious) and Jared was getting the boat ready for paddling. An hour passed and Jared was out of breath, so I took over for him. After ten minutes I was out of breath as well, so Jared finally decided to get the electric pump out. So we then got our life jackets on and we started rowing. This was the day I learned that I was terrible at rowing and I just kept sending us in circles. After ten minutes, I finally got the hang of it and we decided to head to the abandoned ferry anchored in the river. We parked next to the ferry and Jared went in whilst I kept the boat parked. But at that time, a gust of wind came by and blew me away, all I could hear was Jared yelling “come back!” Fifteen minutes later, I finally got the boat back to the ferry and Jared said, “I can’t leave you alone for two minutes, can I?” We eventually made it to the edge of the ocean and we then decided to turn back because it was almost lunch time. On the way back, the river started to get rough and the waves started to push us off course; at one point we got really close to the ground where all the rocks were and it tore a hole in the boat. Soon, the boat was completely deflated, so we had to walk along the edge of the river to get back to the camp site. To this day Jared still blames me for breaking it.

Finally, it was day seven and, oh my god, it was the biggest day ever! At the end of the path near the campground, there was a small beach and we decided to skip rocks across the water. When we got back, Jared and his dad went to gut the fish they had caught, and trust me, it was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen. Anyway, after that they cooked the fish and we all had some for lunch (Jared was right, they were delicious) and that’s when we decided to pack our things and hit the road. It took a while, but after three hours of packing the trailer and the car we finally got going – at that point, all I wanted was to sleep in an actual bed. During the ride, I watched Ironman on their portable movie player and three hours in we stopped for lunch. We had wraps and they had some Black Brim in them that was left over from the lunch. So, another two hours later, we stopped again to pick up their dog that was left at a pet caring facility and then, ten minutes later, I am home at last. I said “hello” to my family and said a dear thank you to Jared and his family for taking me camping and then they left. I then went inside to hug all my pets and then I headed into my room, dropped my bags and slept on my nice comfy bed and I slept until the next morning - I was that tired! 

 By Ethan Nairn