Sunday, 23 November 2014

A Glimpse

When people describe themselves, they only talk about the things other people want to hear, not about their ‘normal’ side of life. And you pick certain things about people you meet or haven’t talked to, the one thing that everyone has in common, that no-one is normal, that there is no such thing as normal, and with me that is exceptionally true.

If you entered my mind you would enter a realm of confusion and wonder that you would probably never have experienced before. 

Now just before we jump into anything, I am going to say it;
I have been diagnosed with ADHD and Autism since birth and it hasn’t been easy. But I don’t wish for pity, so don’t for one minute feel sorry for me. There are people with the same disorder that can’t socialise or talk properly, or can’t even function properly. So don’t feel sorry, don’t give them pity; just embrace them as normal people with broadened minds and active imaginations.

Never feel sorry for someone who has a blessing, even if at first it seems like a curse. Because if you spend time with this curse, honing it, training, and teaching yourself, eventually, you will succeed in turning this curse into the blessing it should be.

I am not normal in any way, shape, or form.  I live for Autism and ADHD because it is both a blessing and a curse; it has given me the abilities to make wondrous art. I love drawing and making stories, and this probably wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t get special therapy and teaching as a child. I have only one distant memory of it and that is, at the end of some therapy sessions, I would sometimes get KFC. That was the part I liked best. Now I am sure that other people have different stories and in every case I respect everyone’s story

When I draw or write, the flow of imagination comes out of my mind and ends ups as graphite on paper and most of the time it becomes wondrous art that feeds the imagination.

The imagination is a huge, expansive and glorious thing for people to have: you just need to get in touch with it better, maybe give it a phone call every few Fridays and say, “Hey man, I love you, keep it up and keep doing what you’re good at.” and then you will accomplish anything in your power.

Because of this curse I am a happy, bubbly and creative person who just wants to make friends and have fun. But there have been times when I have been through storms and earthquakes and tsunamis. And it may not look like it but I am going through a massive storm right now.  I’m not going to name names, but two of my best friends are causing earthquakes right now, because they have split up, both physically and metaphorically.

 I am being caught in the middle of the gaping chasm, not knowing how to get out, or how to close the gap or how to prevent the earthquake that is slowly tearing me apart.

They have been my best friends throughout my whole high school life and I would do anything for them. And now the memories and good times have been divided, it has affected me in such a way that I don’t know how to deal with this.  I hope I can patch this up, because to me, my friends are my first priority.

This is my world and I wouldn’t change a thing. To whoever reads this: if I someday meet you, maybe I might just change your world too.

Daniel Robinson

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


I slowly die inside
from all the times I've cried.
You look at me with you beautiful eyes,
you look right through me
like I was never alive.
I am invisible;
I always will be to you.
For some reason I knew
I would always be like this to you.
I wish you were missing me
like I was missing you.

But no matter what I do
I will always be dead to you.

Connor Ireland

Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Right now, this city
is a fish tank
and I'm the brunette
walking through
crowds of nameless
faces, eyes like
laser beams,
glowing and
reflecting into
my eyes throughout.
Honestly, everything
feels like fire
when it gets
inside of you.
My 6am jog
leaves me with
setting suns
pulsing in different
parts of my being
and they varnish
my skin with
a thin layer of
sweat that only
knows to burn
and burn;
my clothes aren't
seared about the
edges though.
Is this why everyone thinks I'm insane?

Aimee Capizzi